Update 131: Patchy 1.4: Shopkeeper, Mine-Tweaks, Catalan

Weapon/Time Shopkeeper

You can now unlock two NPCs who sell weapons/time (via upgrade in the chocolate store)!

  • You can trade 256 chocolate for a random weapon or 1 minute more time.
  • If you buy time: More enemies will appear during the “overtime”-period! Also, the list in the end screen now shows your longest session time record.
  • The shopkeepers will appear close to your start location.
  • You can buy weapons/time as long as you have enough chocolate.

This feature gives chocolate a meaning even after unlocking everything in the chocolate store. It's my answer to those people who wished for sessions longer than the 10 minutes.

Weapon Tweaks

I did several changes to the mines to make them more different from missiles and the rainbow of love. Because they were ejected into random directions, auto-piloted pretty fast toward an enemy and also did splash damage even when they did not hit anything (timeout) they felt too similar to missiles (because of their movement) and even the nova (because of all the splash damage). Therefore, I made these changes:

  • Mines are ejected toward the back of the ship (instead of random directions)
  • Mines don't do splash damage when they time out but only when they hit something
  • Mines do more damage (Mine 1.0: 15->30; Mine 2.0: 30->40)
  • Mines have a splash damage radius doubled (50.0->100.0)

So now, mines have their own unique behavior and WHEN they hit, they hit stronger and in a bigger radius!


You can now see the total chocolate and also the chocolate collected during this session in the UI.


Catalan is now available thanks to Projecte 'Ce Trencada'!


I spend a lot of time to keep high FPS, even during the overtime period (where more enemies appear). I hope everything runs smoothly on your machine!

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i love <3 it!

Thank you! :)